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Continued from page 35
Testimony of: Lt. Daniel F. Drain (Contd)
261 A Well, he had some of the political prisoners that were in the camp that picked out these SS men, and it was his orders to them to pick them out. That is how they were separated, plus the SS insignia on their shoulders.
262 Q What purpose was announced by Lt. Walsh for the separation?
A Never heard him give any purpose.
263 Q What did you understand was the reason for the separation?
A Because of the sight which we had seen coming up the road which were the car loads of the bodies of the prisoners and knowing that the SS were in charge of the camp. I believe that that is why he did this.
264 Q Did you hear any comments or statements made by Lt. Walsh or any of the other officers before or during this separation to that effect?
A No, sir.
265 Q Then why do you understand it was being done because of what they had seen along the railroad tracks?
A Well, I will tell you a little incident I had, sir. There were two roads, a road junction, and we were coming down one road and up on the road to our right I noticed a horse drawn wagon which I thought had three German prisoners. I ran over to take these prisoners. During my absence the column I was with continued on down the road, and after I had found out that the men I saw were not German soldiers I took the other road down to the road junction. Before reaching the junction of the road I heard Lt. Walsh yelling. I didn't realize at the time just what it was about. When I arrive on the scene he had a German medic and was yelling something to the effect about the German having a rifle, I believe it was. I looked in the boxcar and I saw the shoes of a man there and I thought that the medic had shot one of his men. Lt. Walsh at the time I don't believe was, well his mind probably wasn't clear. That is why I think that it was seeing these bodies and knowing that the SS men were in charge of the camp drove him to do this.
266 Q After these SS men were separated from the other prisoners where were they taken?
A They were taken to a little yard surrounded on three sides by a wall about ten feet high, and they were lined up against one of the walls.
267 Q What guard did they have over them at that time?
A That I don't know because I was not there, sir, at the time.