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Testimony of: Pfc. John P. Lee (Contd)
214 Q Where were the prisoners when you got that order?
A They were right in front of the hospital near the main street.
215 Q Were they inside the yard at that time?
A Yes, sir. They were inside in on the main road.
216 Q That was a yard that had a wall around it with some coal in the yard?
A No, sir. The place where I mean was at the hospital. It was like a courtyard in front of it and it was on down a little further between two walls in a space about 20 feet wide and 40 to 60 feet wide. Just a covering in case anybody sniped at us.
217 Q I hand you a picture identified as Exhibit "C", and ask you if that shows a picture of the yard you are describing?
A That is the yard, sir, to which they were taken from the other place from the vicinity of this building that has the red cross on it.
218 Q Do you recognize the soldier whose face is clearly shown in this picture?
A It is me.
219 Q As I understand your testimony you were first put as a guard over these SS men at a place a short distance removed from the place where the picture was taken?
A Yes, sir.
220 Q How many were there under your guard?
A That I really don't know. The SS there were not over 10 at the time.
221 Q What other soldiers were guarding them with you?
A The ones I can remember I can give you. There was a machine gunner, George Larson, and some of them I don't know, sir, because they just came in as replacements. I believe there was one or two from "M" Company, but the majority was replacements. I remember that one boy because he and I went into the hospital to see those left in the hospital to check their legs. They claimed they couldn't walk. So, we came out of the hospital after we checked the wounded and came back to find my company and then walked down to the place where the photo shows.