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Vengeance at Dachau   * Page 1  ...  * Page 114  * Page 115  * Page 116  * Page 117  * More

Vengeance at Dachau

Page 117 of 120

Continued from page 116

Testimony of: Pvt. Albert C. Pruitt (Contd)

923 A Yes, sir.

924 Q Were these four Germans prisoners at the time this happened?

A I don't exactly know they were prisoners. I would not say for sure whether they were.

925 Q Were they armed?

A I don't know whether they were or not because we didn't have time to find out. We were moving pretty fast.

926 Q Who ordered them into the boxcar?

A Well, I hate to tell it but the CO is the one who put them in I think. He was around.

927 Q Whom do you mean by the CO?

A Well, I am not sure whether he ordered them in there or not, but they went in there and the CO was there.

928 Q Do you refer to Lt. Walsh when you say the CO?

A Yes, sir.

929 Q How far were these Germans taken before they were put into the boxcar?

A I think they had taken them right at the boxcar.

930 Q Did they have their hands up?

A No, sir.

931 Q Did they have their hands up before they were put in the boxcar?

A I never seen them with their hands up.

932 Q What did Lt. Walsh say to get them into the boxcar?

A I don't know. Just as I told you I don't know who ordered them in there.

933 Q Was this boxcar one that had in it the bodies of a number of dead?

A No, sir, but the cars were hooked on to it. There was bodies on each side of it.

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