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Vengeance at Dachau   * Page 1  ...  * Page 114  * Page 115  * Page 116  * Page 117  * More

Vengeance at Dachau

Page 114 of 120

Continued from page 113

Testimony of: Pfc. John S. Edwards (Contd)

902 A I would not swear to it but I would say they were between the barricade and the Germans, the ones who were shooting. I ran up there intending to get a few myself if they were going to shoot them. Some were still alive in the water and some of the other boys shot them, I guess. They were not mortally wounded the first time.

903 Q Did you notice a man with a sub-machine gun in the group that you saw firing?

A No, sir, I didn't.

904 Q Did you notice a lieutenant colonel?

A No, sir.

905 Q Did you see any officer there?

A No, sir, I didn't.

906 Q Was there any of the inmates of the concentration camp in this group around the Germans?

A I didn't notice any. I could not say, yes, or no. I don't think they broke out until a few minutes later.

907 Q How many Germans were shot there?

A As I said I didn't figure on counting them, but I would say there was approximately twelve or fifteen at that time. Some of them were already under water when I got up there.

908 Q How many would you say remained on the bank of the canal?

A I would say about five or six.

909 Q How far away were you when your notice was first attracted by the shooting?

A I would say about 100 yards; 100 to 125 yards, something like that. In other words I gradually moved up there.

910 Q And they were still shooting when you got there?

A Yes, sir.

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