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Vengeance at Dachau   * Page 1  ...  * Page 106  * Page 107  * Page 108  * Page 109  * More

Vengeance at Dachau

Page 109 of 120

Continued from page 108

Testimony of: Lt. Harold T. Moyer (Contd)

869 A I saw him shoot at them. I never attempted to find out whether they were killed or not.

870 Q Had these Germans previously surrendered themselves as prisoners of war?

A As far as that they had surrendered I can't say. They were there without arms.

871 Q What was the occasion for them getting into the boxcar?

A I believe they were told to get up into the boxcar.

872 Q By whom?

A To back up a little bit, I think before they were told to get into the boxcar I think they were shown one of the cars of bodies. I wouldn't swear to the point but I more or less recall that.

873 Q How many shots did Lt. Walsh fire at that time?

A I could not say, sir.

874 Q How far were you from him?

A Probably 40 to 50 yards.

875 Q Do you know the name of the rifleman who assisted Lt. Walsh on that occasion?

A Yes, sir, it is either Albert or Aldert Pruitt.

876 Q What was the next incident that you saw?

A From there we moved down the line parallel to the railroad cars. Two platoons rather mixed, that is for a ways the second and third platoon more or less leapfrogged each other. Whenever we saw Germans we would call to them and if they continued to run we fired at them. We did take several prisoners. The numbers I could not say, but I recall two especially who claimed to be firemen. We sent them to the rear where a group of other prisoners were. We moved down to the end of the street, and we were ordered to move back and go to our right. How far back we came I don't exactly remember. We didn't get all of the way back but it was pretty close to it. There was a squad of machine guns from "M" Company attached to the second platoon covering the street that we were ordered to clear. They had been receiving more or less sniper fire and warned us against it when we came down. We receive no fire for I guess the

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