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Vengeance at Dachau   * Page 1  ...  * Page 106  * Page 107  * Page 108  * Page 109  * More

Vengeance at Dachau

Page 108 of 120

Continued from page 107

Testimony of: Lt. Harold T. Moyer, 3rd Battalion Headquarters, 157th Infantry.

Taken at: Munich, Germany.

Date: 17 May 1945. By: Lt. Col. J. M. Whitaker, IGD,

Asst. Inspector General, Seventh Army.

The witness was sworn.

863 Q Please state your name, rank, serial number and organization.

A Harold T. Moyer, 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion Headquarters, 157th Infantry.

(The witness was advised of his rights under the 24th Article of War.)

864 Q Do you remember the taking of the Dachau Concentration camp?

A A good part of it, yes, sir.

865 Q What organization were you with at that time?

A "I" Company, 157th Infantry, 3rd platoon.

866 Q Did you see any German guards killed that day?

A Let us leave out the word guards. I saw Germans killed that day.

867 Q Where was the first of such instances that you saw?

A It was slightly inside the main gate of the camp I would say as I recall it there was a big building at the gate by the railroad on the right as you entered along side the right of the railroad cars, and we were asked to ascertain that that building was cleared. The major portion of my platoon went in there. Two of the other fellows and myself moved on down into the camp and I called for the rest of the platoon to follow. I am not sure whether it was the last or nearly the last railroad car in that string there where I saw the first of the Germans killed.

868 Q Tell me in your own words what happened at that place?

A Well, I am not sure of the number of Germans brought up there who had been in the camp and we had received fire just prior to that time and practically the entire company which was in position to fire had opened up. These first prisoners or Germans had either thrown down their weapons and came in, at any rate they had come up and they were fired on.

869 Q Did you see an incident in which Lt. Walsh shot some Germans in a boxcar?

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