Holiday weekend events around Massachusetts
Scroll down to see listings for 68 Massachusetts towns, or click on the first letter of a town to jump to its listing.
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Abington 7/3: Carnival starts at 4 p.m. at Frolio Junior High School's Memorial Field, 1071 Washington St.; 6 p.m., children's parade; 6:45 p.m., annual road race at Memorial Field; 8 p.m., The Cosmo Legion Band performs in front of the main grandstand, followed by fireworks at 10 p.m. Rain date 7/5.
Amesbury Various locations. 978-834-3076. Through 7/4: Amesbury Days Celebration continues at locations across town. Activities include auction, sidewalk sales, walking tours, fireworks, farmers' market, music, food, games, family days, health expo, crafts, animals, car show, more.
Ayer Pirone Park, off East Main Street. 978-772-8220. 7/5: 7 p.m., Band Concert by the 94th Army Band.
Boston Schedule
Bourne 7/4: dusk, fireworks at Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical High School.
Bridgewater Bridgewater State College, Rte. 104. 7/4: 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Bridgewater Arts Festival with music, jugglers, games, crafts, art displays, food; 5 p.m. parade; 7 and 8:30 p.m., South Shore Bay Band; 7:45 p.m., So Rare! a cappella concert; 9:30 p.m., fireworks. Rain date for fireworks 7/5.
Brockton 7/1-7/11: Brockton Fair, Brockton-Middleborough Fairgrounds, Rte. 123. 7/1-7/2, 7/6-7/9, 5 p.m.-midnight; 7/3-7/5, 7/10-7/11, noon-midnight. $3, ages 12 and under $1. Midway with rides, games, puppets, magic, demolition derbies, concerts, animal exhibits, nightly entertainment. Fireworks on 7/3, 7/4, 7/11 at 10:30 p.m.
Cambridge Cambridge Common. 7/4: Noon. 9-gun cannon salute from the howitzer of the 1st Mass. Bicentennial Battery.
Canton 781-821-5030. All activities at Memorial Field, behind Canton High School unless noted. 7/2-7/4: 6-10 p.m., amusement rides, concessions, BBQ, dunk tank; 7-10 p.m., band concerts each evening. 7/4: 8:30 a.m. registration for road race; 9:30 a.m., 5-mile race starts at Cobbs Corner; 10 p.m., fireworks.
Chatham 508-945-0474. 7/3: 7 a.m.-1 p.m., pancake festival, Depot Road School; 9:30-11:30 a.m., Independence Day Parade along Main Street ending at VFW Hall, George Ryder Road; 11 a.m., Strawberry Festival at First United Methodist Church of Chatham, 16 Cross St., pay-as-you-eat. 7/4: 4 p.m., All-town picnic on First United Methodist Church lawn followed by 8 p.m. concert.
Chelmsford 978-250-5205. 7/4: 6:30-11 p.m., and 7/5: 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Country Fair at Center Common. 7/5: 7-10 a.m., 4th of July Breakfast at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Chelmsford, 2 Westford St., pay-as-you-eat; 9:30 a.m., road race from Stop & Save, Parkhurst Road; 10 a.m., parade from McCarthy School, North Road.
Concord 7/4: 8:30 a.m., One-Mile Youth Fun Run; 9 a.m., Minuteman Classic, five-mile run sponsored by Concord Recreation Dept. winds through town and over Old North Bridge; 10 a.m., Awards Ceremony for the adult and youth divisions; noon-4 p.m., "Picnic in the Park," playground and athletic fields on Everett and Stow Streets with field games, concert by the All New Old Brown Pigeon Jazz Band from noon-2 p.m., traditional foods, booths, Bicycle and Doll Carriage parades at 12:30 p.m. (new site this year, assemble at the Armory, Everett and Stow streets by 12:15 p.m.), children's concert with David Polanky at 1:30 p.m. in Hunt Gym, Stow Street, bluegrass music of Southern Rail at 2 p.m., The Concord Band plays at 3 p.m.; hot air balloon rides. Rain site Hunt Gymnasium, Stow Street.
Dartmouth UMass-Dartmouth, 285 Old Westport Rd., North Dartmouth. 508-999-8760. 7/2: 6:15 p.m., Semenya McCord Quartet; 7:25 p.m., the Colonial Navy of Massachusetts; 8 p.m., annual pops concert by the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra; 9:45 p.m., fireworks finale.
Dedham 781-461-5990. 7/4: 10 a.m., Five-Mile Road Race begins at Dedham High School, 140 Whiting Ave.
Deerfield On the lawn of Memorial Hall Museum, Historic Deerfield Inc., off Routes 5 and 10. 413-774-7476. 7/4: noon-5 p.m., "A Yankee Doodle Deerfield." $5, seniors and students $3, ages 6-12, $1; 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Lions Club chicken BBQ $7 additional; ice cream and soda $1 additional. Hat-making contests, 19th-century dancing, ice cream social, croquet, cake-walk contest, music by the Proper Ladies and the Gumbo Jumbo Dixieland Band, dance performance by the Polite Society. Bring a picnic lunch.
Duxbury 7/2: 6:30 p.m., music by the South Shore Bay Band at Battelle Labs, 397 Washington St. 7/3: 3-11 p.m., Duxbury Beach Party and Bonfire, sandcastle building event, crazy hat contest, tug of war, music, children's entertainment, and more, ending at 9 p.m. with a bonfire. Trolley services from high school to beach, and back, $2 per person, children under 12 free. 7/4: 8 a.m.-noon, Corner Stone Lodge Breakfast, Washington Street, pay-as-you-eat; 2 p.m., parade forms at Hall's Corner proceeding along Washington to St. George Street to high school; 4 p.m., Parade Award Ceremony at Duxbury Middle School.
Falmouth 7/4: 10:30 a.m., bike and carriage parade, Main Street, Falmouth Village; noon, Blessing of the Fleet, Falmouth Harbor; dusk, fireworks over harbor, best viewing along Falmouth Heights.
Fitchburg 978-345-9550. 7/5: 3 p.m., Community Day at Coolidge Park, John Fitch Highway. Entertainment, food, vendors, games. 7/4: 12:45 p.m., parade, Summer Street to Upper Common; 3 p.m., Thayer Symphony Orchestra at the Bernardian Bowl.
Gloucester 978-283-1601 7/3: 6 p.m., Fishtown Horribles Parade starts at State Fish Pier, Parker Street, down Stacy Boulevard, ends at high school; 10 p.m., fireworks at State Fort Park.
Hanover 7/3: 9 p.m., bonfire at Sylvester Field, Hanover Street. Rain date 7/4.
Harwich Brooks Park. 7/4: 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Family Fun Day, crafts, pony rides, food, music.
Haverhill 978-374-2306. 7/1-7/4: 5-11 p.m., "Festival '99," Haverhill Stadium, Lincoln Avenue. Admission $1 per night, under 11 free. Some 70 booths, skydiving, music, pony rides, carnival rides, circus. Fireworks on 7/2, 7/4 at 10 p.m.
Hingham 781-741-1464. 7/2: Hingham Harbor: 7 p.m., concert with The Platters; fireworks at dusk. 7/4: 7 a.m., road race at Hingham Middle School, 1103 Main St.; 7:30 p.m., Satuit Band concert at the band stand at Hingham Harbor. 7/5: 7-10 a.m., pancake breakfast at Hingham Common; 10 a.m., annual parade starts at new Town Hall on Central Street.
Hopkinton 508-497-9700. 7/4: noon, Horribles Parade, begins at the common, across from Center School, Ash Street.
Hull 888-925-HULL. 7/4: 2 p.m., big band music by 4 Guys in Tuxes at the Bernie King Pavillion, Nantasket Avenue.
Hyannis 7/3: 3 p.m., Blessing of the Fleet and Boat Parade, Hyannis Harbor at Bismore Park; 7 p.m., concert at Hyannis Village Green with Air Force Band of Liberty and others; 9 p.m., fireworks over Lewis Bay, best viewing from Hyannis and Yarmouth beaches. 7/4: 6 p.m., Parade along Main Street.
Ipswich On the Grand Allee at Castle Hill, 290 Argilla Road. 978-356-7774. 7/4: 5-10 p.m., "Independence Day Celebration." $10, children $5. Bring a picnic (grounds open at 3 p.m.); pops concert by the Merrimac Valley Philharmonic Orchestra; self-guided landscape tours; pony rides, face painting, sand art, juggler; Dixieland concert by Made In The Shade. Grand Finale fireworks at dusk.
Lexington 7/1-7/5: 43rd Annual Lexington Lions Club Carnival at Center Playground, Worthen Road. Thurs.-Fri. 6-11 p.m., Sat.-Sun. noon-11 p.m., Mon. noon-9 p.m. $1, under 6 free. Carnival attractions, children's rides, fun houses. Partial proceeds benefit the Lexington Lions charities.
Littleton Fay Park, off Rte. 2A, Littleton Center. 7/4: 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Children's games and concert by the Firehouse Coffeehouse Band. If rain, 1 p.m. concert moves to the Unitarian Church across from Park. Beverages available.
Lowell 978-970-4257 7/4: 9:20-10 a.m., Two mile swim races on Merrimack River begins at Rynne Boat House, pre-registration required; noon-6 p.m., Lowell Family Fair 1997 at Lowell Heritage State Park, Pawtucket Boulevard. Free, parking at Regatta Field, music, magic, games for ages 3-14, petting farm, pony rides, rollerblade demonstrations foods; 7:30 p.m., band concert at Sampas Pavilion; 9 p.m. fireworks.
Manchester-by-the-Sea 7/4: noon, parade departs Vine Street, up School Street, down Pleasant, to Pine to Central, through town past harbor, and into Masconomo Park; 2 p.m. celebration, including mini-concert, skydiving, awards ceremony.
Marblehead 781-631-1768. 7/3-7/5: Marblehead "Festival of the Arts" Weekend. Times and fees vary. 7/3: 2:30 p.m., performance by the West African Drum Circle in the Gardens of the Jeremiah Lee Mansion, Washington Street. 7/4-7/5: Noon-4 p.m., Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundaes in the gardens of the Jeremiah Lee Mansion, sundaes $2, iced tea, bottled water, and lemonade $1; noon-4 p.m. Civil War Museum Open House, 2nd Floor of Old Town House, Washington and State streets. 7/3 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 7/4-7/5 noon-4 p.m., free admission to three sites of the Marblehead Historical Society - the 1768 Jeremiah Lee Mansion, 161 Washington St. (first floor only); JOJ Frost Folk Art Gallery, 170 Washington St., and Marblehead Historical Society, 170 Washington St.
Marshfield Marshfield United Methodist Church, 185 Plain St., Rte. 139. 7/5: 8-10:30 a.m., Annual Fourth of July Breakfast. $7, seniors $5, ages 7-13 $3, ages 6 and under free.
Martha's Vineyard 7/3: 3-6 p.m., "Celebration of the American Idea" at the M.V. Hebrew Center, Center Street, Vineyard Haven. 7/4: 9 a.m., Marianne's Five-Mile Run the Chop, begins at Tisbury School, Vineyard Haven, $15 entry fee, 508-696-6203 ext. 300; 4-8 p.m., Fourth of July Barbecue on Old Whaling Church lawn, Main Street, Edgartown; 5 p.m., Independence Day parade, Edgartown.
Middleborough 7/1-7/4: Carnival on Jackson Street. 7/2: dusk, fireworks at Jackson Street fields. 7/4: 10 a.m., parade begins at Titicut Green, Plymouth Street, followed by activities until 4 p.m.
Milford All activities at Fino Field, Granite Street, off Route 16. 7/3: 10 p.m., fireworks. 7/2-7/5: carnival with rides, games, food, entertainment. Free.
Milton 7/5: 9 a.m., Children's Field Day at Pierce Field, Gile Road. Activities include races, games, and free ice cream.
Nantucket 7/3: 10 a.m.-noon, Main Street Independence Day festivities along Main Street includes pie eating contests, face painting, firehouse battle. 7/4: 5 p.m., celebration at Jetties Beach, includes playground games, band concert; 9 p.m., fireworks display at Jetties Beach.
Natick 7/3 3 and 6 p.m. 7/4 1:30 and 4:30 p.m., Clyde Beatty & Cole Brothers Circus at High School Field, ages 13-61 $12 and $14, children and seniors $7 and $9. 7/4: 5:30-9 p.m., July 4th Jazzbake at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Rte. 9 eastbound opposite Natick Mall, $35 includes music by Stan McDonald's Blue Horizon Jazz Band, clambake and fireworks. 508-653-8800 ext. 840.
Needham 781-444-3924. 7/4: 5 p.m., music, kids' activities at Needham High School football field; 9:15 p.m., fireworks. 7/5: 8 a.m. road race; 9 a.m. parade, flea market at Memorial Park.
New Bedford State Pier, Waterfront and Historic District, I-195 to Rte. 18, New Bedford. 508-999-5231. 7/2 11 a.m.-9 p.m. 7/3 11 a.m.-9 p.m. 7/4 10:30 a.m.- 9 p.m., "Greater New Bedford Summerfest," children's activities, whaleboat races, non-stop music, water taxi tours, artisan's marketplace, helicopter rides, seafood dinners, Blessing of the Fleet (7/4, 1:30-3 p.m.), fireworks on the waterfront at State Pier (7/4 at 9 p.m.)
Newburyport 978-465-3948. 7/3-7/4: 10 a.m., Fire Engine Parade Newburyport Mall proceeding to Nock Middle School where an old fashioned firemen's muster will be held using 1800s-era hand-pumped fire engines. Refreshments available at Nock Middle School. 7/3 events sponsored by the Essex County Muster Assn.; 7/4 sponsored by the Neptune Veteran Fireman's Assn. of Newburyport. 7/3-7/5: Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Mon. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Americana Waterfront Festival at Plum Island Fairgrounds, Rte. 1A, free admission. Over 100 juried artists and craftsmen, live music, scenic air flights, horse drawn hayrides, international foods. 603-755-2166.
Newton 7/4: 10 a.m.-noon, "Kids Morning" for ages 12 and under at Newton Centre Playground features a Grand Pet parade, Decorated Doll Carriage Promenade, foot races, free candy and ice cream; 10 a.m.-9 p.m., festivities at Albemarle Field, Albemarle Road, off Rte. 16, Newtonville includes an open-air market, with ethnic foods, kiddie rides, craft booths from 10 a.m.-dusk; 5 p.m. picnicking for all, ethnic food vendors available; 6 p.m. concert by the Winiker Orchestra, swing dance lessons from Hop to the Beat followed by fireworks at dusk (9 p.m. approx.) Bring blankets, lawn chairs.
Norwood 7/4: 1 p.m., Children's doll carriage, bicycle, and historical character parade starting at the First Congregation Church at Walpole and Winter streets to Town Common; 3:30-7:30 p.m., cookout on the common; 5 p.m., Tommy's Firecracker 5K Road Race from Star Market, 134 Nahantan St. to Washington St. and back; 5:30 p.m. parade starts from junior high to Star Market via Nahantan and Washington streets; 7:45-9 p.m., Norwood Community Concert Band on the common.
Onset 7/3: 9 p.m., fireworks at Onset Village.
Orleans 7/3: 6:30 p.m., Star Spangles Spectacular at the Community of Jesus, 5 Bay View Drive, supper, pops concert at 7:45 p.m., fireworks over Rock Harbor, $40 dinner and concert tables; $25 concert and lawn dinner; $15 concert only, 508-255-6204. 7/4-7/5: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Artisans' Guild of Cape Cod's 37th annual Fourth of July Art & Craft Show, Nauset Middle School lawn, Rte. 28.
Plymouth 1-888-746-1620. 7/4: 1 p.m., Parade beginning at Standish Avenue and S. Spooner Street ending at Plymouth Rock; 3:30 p.m., arts festival on the waterfront; 8 p.m., concert by the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra at Pilgrim Memorial Park, Plymouth waterfront; 9:15 p.m. Fireworks at waterfront. Rain date 7/5.
Provincetown 7/4: 10 a.m., Independence Day Parade, along Bradford to Howland to Commercial to Franklin streets; dusk, fireworks off MacMillan Pier.
Quincy 7/3: 5:45 p.m., 6-8:30 p.m., band concert at Fore River Clubhouse/Field. 7/4: 9 a.m., Merrymount Neighborhood Assn.'s Field Day, Merrymount School, 4 Agawam Road; 1 p.m., Parade from Merrymount School to Merrymount Beach; 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-4 p.m., or 7-9 p.m., re-enactment of the Continental Congress of July 4, 1776 led by "Atlas of Independence" John Adams in Independence Hall, Carriage House, Adams National Historical Park, 135 Adams St. 617-770-1175. Audience participate in debate over Declaration of Independence. 7/5: 9 a.m., Flag Raising by the Robert I. Nickerson Post No. 382 at the cannon, East Squantum and Dorchester streets, Squantum; 10 a.m., Squantum Community Association's Fourth of July Parade, begins at corner of Dundee and Bellevue roads.
Randolph 7/3: 7 p.m., parade begins at Boston Higashi School, North Main Street, to Crawford Square. After parade: 9:30 p.m., fireworks at Randolph High School, 70 Memorial Parkway.
Rockport 978-546-6575. 7/4: 6 p.m., Firemen's Association parade, Rockport High, down Jerdens Lane, to South to Mount Pleasant to Main to Beach to bandstand; following parade, band concert with Legion Band at Beach Street; 9 p.m., bonfire at Back Beach.
Salisbury 978-465-3581. All activities on mall at Salisbury Beach, Route 1A. Free. 7/1: 7:30 p.m., Music on the Mall. 7/2: 8 p.m., concert with B-Street Bombers. 7/3: 8 p.m., Saturday Night Sockhop with Gary Francis; 10 p.m., fireworks. 7/4: 8 p.m., Rico and the Jump'n Jive Review, sponsored by Mass. Cultural Council; 10 p.m. fireworks.
Sandwich 7/3: 10 a.m., parade, downtown; 11 a.m., field day, children's events behind Wing School; 9 p.m., boat parade at Shawme Pond.
Scituate 7/4: 4-8 p.m., "Scituate Unplugged" concert at the bandstand, Cole Parkway in Scituate Harbor.
Sharon 7/3: 9 p.m., fireworks at Memorial Park Beach, off Beach Street.
Springfield Court Square. 413-733-3800. 7/2: 7:30 p.m., "1964...The Tribute," Beatles tribute band. 7/3: 7:30 p.m., Lobsterz from Marz, concert by this Grateful Dead tribute band. 7/4: 7:30 p.m., "Star Spangled Springfield" celebration includes "I Am An American" ceremony and concert by the United States Air Force Band of Liberty; 9:30 p.m., fireworks over Memorial Bridge.
Stoughton 7/3: Events at Stoughton High School, 232 Pearl St. 9 a.m., children's program, doll carriage and bicycle decorating begins; 10 a.m., Children's Field Day, games, races, contests; 7 p.m., concert by Ronnie Lewis & The Expedition; 9:30 p.m. fireworks. 7/4: 2:30 p.m., parade begins at Prospect and Park streets, Rte. 27 continuing north through Stoughton Center ending at Department of Public Works, Central Street.
Sturbridge Old Sturbridge Village, 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road. 508-347-3362. 7/4: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Independence Day Celebration. $16, elders $15, ages 6-15 $8, age 6 and under free. Fife and drum music, reading of the Declaration of Independence, cannon fire, 19-century parade, games, music and dancing.
Sudbury 978-443-6119. 7/4: 9 a.m., 3-mile road race at Featherland Park, Concord Rd.; 1 p.m., parade runs south on Union Avenue to Boston Post Rd. to Concord Rd. to Town Hall; 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Yankee Doodle Yard Sale at Heritage Park; 10-11 a.m., at Haskel Field, children's games/activities.
Tewksbury Livingston Street Park, 286 Livingston St. 978-640-1135. 7/3: 6:30 p.m., New England Brass Band concert followed by fireworks display.
Walpole 7/3: 6 p.m., fire apparatus parade proceeds from East Walpole Center on Washington Street to Walpole Center; 7-9 p.m., old-fashioned band concert, municipal parking lot at Town Center; 9:30 p.m., fireworks.
Wareham 508-947-4433. 7/3: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Fourth of July Antiques Show at Town Green, Center Park, Main Street. Over 40 antique dealers, homemade food. Donation $2, benefits Wareham Historical Society.
Wellfleet 508-349-2510. Town Center. 7/4: 9 a.m., road race; 10:30 a.m., children's road race; 2 p.m., parade; 9 p.m., fireworks at Town Pier.
Wellesley Wellesley Historical Society, 229 Washington St., Wellesley Hills. 781-235-6690. 7/4: Noon-2:30 p.m., Independence Day Open House. Visit the Society's current exhibit, "William Ladd Taylor: The Painter Dreams of the Past." Showings of "America: The Vision," a musical celebration of Katharine Lee Bates and her 1893 hymn "America the Beautiful."
Weymouth 781-340-2133. 7/3: Fireworks and celebration held at Wessagussett Beach. Kiddie amusements open at 4 p.m. Free bus transportation to and from Harborlight Mall, Rte. 3A, Starting at 5 p.m. Concert by Moonlighters begins at 7 p.m. Fireworks begin at 9:30 p.m.
Whitman 7/5: 10 a.m., Family Field Day at Lower Park playground, Park Avenue, with races hayrides, moonwalk, clowns, face painting, live band.
Woods Hole 7/4: noon, parade from WHOC parking lot on School Street, proceeding down Water Street to the MBL Club.
Worcester Christoforo Columbo Park (East Park), Shrewsbury Street. 508-753-2924. 7/2: 11 a.m.-3 p.m., family activities; noon-6 p.m., citywide volleyball tournament for students in grades 7-12, pie and watermelon eating contests, skydiving exhibition, carnival rides, food; 7:45 p.m., concert by the Central Mass. Symphony Orchestra; 9:30 p.m., fireworks.
Originally published in the Boston Globe Calendar.