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Holiday fireworks schedule

Here is the schedule of fireworks for the Fourth of July weekend.

TownLocation of DisplayDateTime
AuburnAuburn High SchoolJuly 2 9 p.m.
DartmouthUMass-DartmouthJuly 2 9 p.m.
HaverhillHaverhill StadiumJuly 2 9 p.m.
HinghamOver the harbor at duskJuly 2 9 p.m.
IpswichThe Grand AlleeJuly 2 10 p.m.
LynnBarge off Red RockJuly 2 9 p.m.
MiddleboroughBattis Field/Pierce PlaygroundJuly 2 9 p.m.
NahantShort Beach, Nahant RoadJuly 2 9 p.m.
SomersetVacant lot near Pierce BeachJuly 2 9 p.m.
SandwichRidge ClubJuly 2 8 p.m.
SwampscottOver Swampscott HarborJuly 2 9 p.m.
WorcesterBelmont Hill ParkJuly 2 9 p.m.
AbingtonCarey FieldJuly 3 9 p.m.
AndoverVarnum Brook Middle SchoolJuly 3 9 p.m.
BrocktonBrockton FairgroundsJuly 3 10 p.m.
DanversPlains ParkJuly 3 9 p.m.
HarwichportHarwichportJuly 3 9 p.m.
HolyokeHolyoke Community CollegeJuly 3 9 p.m.
LawrenceSouth Lawrence East SchoolJuly 3 9 p.m.
LexingtonTown Field/LexingtonJuly 3 10 p.m.
LunenburgWhalom Park BeachJuly 3 9:30 p.m.
MilfordOld Landfill-Cedar St Plains ParkJuly 3 10 p.m.
MillburyWendall FieldJuly 3 9:45 p.m.
FalmouthNew Seabury Beach ClubJuly 3 9 p.m.
North ReadingHigh School football fieldJuly 3 9 p.m.
NorthbridgeLaSalle Field, Lynnwood Ave.July 3 9 p.m.
OnsetShell PointJuly 3 9 p.m.
OrleansBarge in Rock HarborJuly 3 9 p.m.
RandolphRandolph High School GroundsJuly 3 9 p.m.
SeekonkLedgemont Country ClubJuly 3 9 p.m.
SharonSharon Public BeachJuly 3 9 p.m.
StoughtonStoughton School ComplexJuly 3 9 p.m.
UxbridgeHood Sand & GravelJuly 3 9 p.m.
WalpoleJoe Morgan Memorial FieldJuly 3 9 p.m.
WestboroWestboro High SchoolJuly 3 9 p.m.
WestfieldWestfield Twist Street LandfillJuly 3 9 p.m.
WeymouthBarge off Wessagussett BeachJuly 3 9 p.m.
YarmouthOff Barge in Lewis BayJuly 3 8 p.m.
ActonAction-Boxborough High SchoolJuly 4 9 p.m.
AgawamBarge on the Connecticut RiverJuly 4 9 p.m.
AmesburyWoodsom Farm, Lions Mouth Rd.July 4 9 p.m.
AndoverGreater Lawrence Regional Voc.July 4 9 p.m.
AttleboroHaywood FieldJuly 4 8 p.m.
BellinghamBellingham High SchoolJuly 4 9 p.m.
Beverly FarmsBarge off Beverly FarmsJuly 4 9 p.m.
BostonOn Charles River off EsplanadeJuly 4 9:30 p.m.
BourneUpper Cape Regional Voc.July 4 9 p.m.
BridgewaterOff Lower Commuter Parking LotJuly 4 9 p.m.
BrocktonBrockton FairgroundsJuly 4 10 p.m.
CantonCanton High School FieldJuly 4 6 p.m.
CentervilleBehind Oyster Harbor at North TerminalJuly 4 8:30 p.m.
Dartmouth14 Barney's Joy RoadJuly 4 9 p.m.
DracutTown of Dracut School GroundsJuly 4 9 p.m.
FalmouthBarge in Falmouth HarborJuly 4 9 p.m.
FitchburgSaint Bernard's School parking lotJuly 4 9 p.m.
FoxboroughRace track infieldJuly 4 9 p.m.
FreetownHathaway ParkJuly 4 9 p.m.
HaverhillHaverhill StadiumJuly 4 9 p.m.
IpswichThe Grand AlleJuly 4 9:30 p.m.
LincolnTylco PropertyJuly 4 9 p.m.
LowellLowell Heritage State ParkJuly 4 9 p.m.
LunenburgWhalom Park BeachJuly 4 9:30 p.m.
MarbleheadCauseway to Marblehead NeckJuly 4 9 p.m.
MarionSilver Shell BeachJuly 4 9 p.m.
MashpeeWillowbend Country ClubJuly 4 9 p.m.
MillburyWendall FieldJuly 4 9:45 p.m.
NantucketJetties BeachJuly 4 9 p.m.
NatickNatick Mall parking lotJuly 4 9 p.m.
NeedhamMemorial Park (Needham High)July 4 9 p.m.
New BedfordHarbor at North TerminalJuly 4 10 p.m.
NewtonAlbermale PlaygroundJuly 4 10 p.m.
North AndoverHayes StadiumJuly 4 9 p.m.
North ReadingHigh School Football FieldJuly 4 9 p.m.
PlymouthBarge in Plymouth HarborJuly 4 9 p.m.
ProvicetownMacmillian PierJuly 4 8:30 p.m.
SeekonkSeekonk SpeedwayJuly 4 9 p.m.
Waltham Leary Field, Bacon St. July 4 10 p.m.
Winthrop Coughlin Park Beach July 4 9 p.m.
East Brookfield Ball Field on Connie Mack Drive July 5 8 p.m.
MansfieldGreat Woods Parking LotJuly 5 10 p.m.
WellfleetWellfleet WaterfrontJuly 5 9 p.m.
Source: Boston Globe, State Fire Marshal's Office.


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