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The Globe Investigative Team 

Matt Carroll

 The team
Projects Editor
Ben Bradlee Jr.

Members of the Spotlight Team
Editor Walter V. Robinson
Michael Rezendes
Sacha Pfeiffer
Matt Carroll

Other investigative reporters
Stephen Kurkjian
Kevin Cullen
Thomas Farragher

Religion reporter
Michael Paulson

Matt Carroll has worked at the Globe since 1987 and has been a member of the Spotlight team since 1997. Before becoming a reporter, he worked as a copy editor on the Business desk for two years.

As a reporter, Carroll has covered real estate and the MetroWest area. In 1994 he started the Globe's first internal website, which is used by reporters and editors, under the tutelage of the Information Technology Department.

Carroll specializes in computer-assisted reporting and handles the paper's growing library of databases.

A 1979 graduate of Northeastern University, he lives in West Roxbury with his wife, Elaine, and their four children, Kasey, Alex, Leigh, and Jack.

Matt Carroll can be reached at

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