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    Bill Greene | Biography

    Bill Greene, 42, joined the Boston Globe staff in 1985. Prior to that he was assistant photo editor at the Patriot Ledger in Quincy, Massachusetts for 5 years.


    His assignments have taken him around the world, including covering political unrest in Haiti, refugee camps in Thailand, and news stories in the Soviet Union, India and Cuba.

    He has received Newspaper Photographer of the Year honors twice, in the Pictures of the Year competition sponsored by the National Press Photographers Association. His portfolio was judged best in the country for photographs shot in 1987 and 1998. He has been named Boston Press Photographer of the Year eight times by the Boston Press Photographers Association. In 1993 he won a first place in the World Press Photo contest for his coverage of the Mississippi River floods during the summer of 1993.

    In addition he has worked on several ''Day in the Life'' books, recording daily life in Ireland, Italy and California.

    Greene, a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, is married and has three children.

    The Crisis in Kosovo
    Award-winning Globe staff photographer Bill Greene was is Macedonia photographing the ongoing crisis involving ethnic Albanians from Kosovo. Globe Assistant Chief Photo Editor Ted Gartland has selected some of his work to highlight here.
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