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Continued from page 14
Testimony of: Lt. William P. Walsh (Contd)
89 A I told him to set up in the yard when I called for them. Told them to fire if they tried to get out.
90 Q Did you tell him to commence firing?
A Not to my knowledge I didn't, Colonel. I might have as there was quite a bit of excitement when they started to come up on the right flank.
91 Q Did you know a moving picture reel was made of this?
A No, sir. I saw a photographer when we first entered the camp, but I did not know he was that close.
92 Q Do you know his name of identification?
A No, sir.
93 Q Did you take a correspondent when you went into the yard?
A We met one in the town of Dachau who said he was going to follow us. I do know they planned to.
94 Q What is his name?
A Sir, I don't know. All I know they had a jeep and they were in uniform.
95 Q Is there anything further you wish to say?
A No, sir.
96 Q Did you see any inmates of the prison abusing, mistreating or in any way mishandling SS men?
A No, sir, I did not.
97 Q Did you see them mistreat or manhandle anybody?
A No, sir, they just manhandled me when I went in there.
98 Q Did you see any of the American soldiers strike or otherwise abuse any of the prisoners of war or SS men?
98 A No, sir, I did not.