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Deposition of Cardinal Bernard Law
May 8, 2002, Suffolk County Superior Court

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Q. Who prepares the minutes for the finance council?

A. Mr. Smith.

Q. And when does he normally have the minutes completed by?

A. I don't know how quickly he does them.

Q. Are the meetings tape recorded?

A. They are not.

Q. When is the next finance council meeting scheduled for?

A. I could not give you that date. I believe there is a June date scheduled.

Q. And is it customary at the -- do they meet every month?

A. No. We meet, we meet at least quarterly, and then special meetings, such as this was a special meeting.

Q. And at these -- when you come to a meeting, are the minutes for the previous meeting prepared?

A. Oh, yes.

Q. So always the prior meeting's minutes are done by then?

A. The meetings are held in customary Robert's Rules of Order form.

Q. Sometime in June you're scheduled to be in Washington, the Conference of Bishops meetings?

A. The conference will be meeting in Dallas, Texas.

Q. Oh, in Dallas?

A. We move it around in the spring or summer.

Q. That's right. When in June is that?

A. Oh, you know, I'm not certain. I think it's around the 20th, but I'd have to check the calendar.

Q. Do you know if the finance council is before or after that meeting?

A. I do not know. I think it would probably be before if it's that late.

Q. All right. All right. Do you know what Mr. Cunningham's occupation is?

A. I don't know what his occupation is at the moment.

Q. Do you know what he used do?

A. Well, I know that when I came he was president and CEO of Wang.

Q. So he's had some spare time since then. And he's held other executive positions since Wang, right?

A. Yes. Yes.

Q. Mr. Flatley, Thomas Flatley, he's on the finance council, isn't he?

A. He is.

Q. He's been on the finance council for a number of years, hasn't he?

A. He has.

Q. Was he on the finance council when you arrived?

A. You know, I'm not sure of that.

Q. Do you know where Mr. Flatley lives?

A. I believe he lives in Milton.

Q. Do you know on what street in Milton?

A. No.

Q. Have you ever been to his house?

A. I have never been to his house.

Q. Did Mr. Flatley speak about the settlement agreements?

A. I believe he did.

Q. And did he speak, as the other lay people, in opposition to it?

A. Yes, as all the other lay people did.

Q. Mr. Flatley has what business?

A. He's in real estate.

Q. Do you know the name of his company?

A. No.

Q. Sister --

A. Flatley Company, maybe.

Q. Sister Therese Higgins?

A. Sister Therese Higgins was the, formerly president of Regis College.

Q. When did she step down from the president of Regis?

A. Oh, some years ago.

Q. Is Sister Higgins any relation to Father Higgins, Father Charles Higgins?

A. No, not that I know of.

Q. Did Sister Higgins speak about the settlement agreement?

A. I can't remember whether she spoke or not. I believe she did say something, but, again, she was not speaking favorably towards the agreement.

Q. So when you say lay, you're including --

A. I am including.

Q. -- religious sisters?

A. Religious sisters, yes. The nonclergy members.

Q. Nonclergy. Are religious sisters usually considered lay?

A. You know, that's a really technical question. There are some religious communities where they would be considered lay, and others would not be, so I think I should say that the lay and consecrated religious members of the board spoke.

Q. Do you know where Sister --

A. I would say the lay with the exception of Mr. Smith. My presumption is Mr. Smith would have voted in support of my recommendation.

Q. Do you know where Sister Higgins lives?

A. Yes. She lives at -- I believe she still lives at the convent at Regis College, which is located in Weston.

Q. Mr. John Kaneb?

A. Kaneb.

Q. Other than yourself as president, are there any office positions of the council? Are there any offices?

MR. ROGERS: I object. I don't believe the testimony is that the Cardinal was president.


A. Is that what the directory says?

Q. It says president.

A. Yeah. So if that's what it says, that's what I am.

Q. No.

A. But there are no other members with designation of officers.

Q. So there's nobody who's called a chair or anything?

A. No.

Q. Mr. Kaneb, John Kaneb, where does he live?

A. He lives in Manchester-by-the-Sea, and in Boston.

Q. Do you know the street he lives on in Manchester?

A. I do not know.

Q. How about Boston?

A. I do not know.

Q. Have you ever been to his house?

A. I have been to his home in Manchester a couple of times, but I've never been to his home, his apartment in Boston.

Q. If you've been to his home in Manchester-by-the-Sea, do you remember what road it was on?

A. No. It's by the water, that's all I can remember.

Q. And Mr. Kaneb?

A. As a matter of fact, the last time I went there, I went with a group of young people from Ireland who, all of whom had lost their parents, their fathers, except a family that was Protestant and a family that was Catholic, and we were able to bring these two families out, and we went there, he had a lobster bake, a clam bake for these families, and it was a very memorable occasion for him, so it's right on the ocean, I know that.

Q. And Mr. Kaneb spoke against the settlement agreement?

A. He did.

Q. Do you know if he's impassioned about it?

A. He was -- he felt strongly about it.

Q. Do you know what he does for a living?

A. He has Gulf Oil, if I'm not mistaken.

Q. He works for Gulf Oil?

A. Yeah, I think -- well, I don't know how that's structured, but he has something do with --

MR. TODD: He owns stations and Hood Milk.

Q. Was Peter Lynch present?

A. Peter Lynch was not able to be present. He was out of the country.

Q. Is there a provision for proxy voting in the finance council?

A. No.

Q. Did Mr. Lynch express to any of the members his opinion as to what should happen?

A. I do not know that.

Q. Did he express to you what he thought should happen?

A. He did not.

Q. Do you know if he expressed his opinion to Mr. Smith?

A. I do not know.

Q. Do you know where Mr. Lynch lives?

A. Mr. Lynch lives in Marblehead and Boston.

Q. And he used to be and still is part of Fidelity?

A. He has something yet to do with it, yes. He had the Magellan Fund earlier, I believe.

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