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Tracy King

East Greenwich, R.I.


Tracy King possessed a sense of balance that would make a tightrope walker jealous. Nicknamed the "Canoe Man," King balanced an array of items on his chin, including a 15-foot ladder, a refrigerator, a motor scooter, picnic tables, bicycles, and even children. He showcased his special talent at fairs and schools, and made appearances on the "Late Show with David Letterman."

He demonstrated his balancing ability 10 years ago at a local radio station contest, when he balanced a canoe on his chin. The stunt won the contest and King drove away in a new Ford Probe. King's manager, Al Salzillo, said King enjoyed performing for children and often donated proceeds from his shows to Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence.

King, 38, lived in East Greenwich, R.I. with his wife, Evelyn, and their three children. In his spare time he loved fishing, playing with his kids, lifting weights, and building remote control boats. He was working as a bouncer for the Great White concert, according to Janet Padula, his East Greenwich neighbor. "A big strapping guy, he was probably in there helping people," she said.