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Bristol DA releases names of accused priests

The Bristol district attorney�s office in Fall River released the following names of priests it has had under investigation.

Accused Alleged victim(s) Status of investigation
  No case made = Investigators could not
get victims or other witnesses to testify.
Raymond McCarthy 4 No case made
Gilbert Simoes 6 Beyond statute of limitations
Paul Connelly 8 Beyond statute of limitations
Arthur Demello 1 Beyond statute of limitations
John Cronin 3 Beyond statute of limitations
Norman Boulet 2 Beyond statute of limitations
James Murphy 3 Beyond statute of limitations
Donald Bowen1 Indicted yesterday
Stephen Furtado 1 No jurisdiction
Donald Messier 1 Beyond statute of limitations
Stanley Barney 1 * Beyond statute of limitations
Phillip Higgins 1 Beyond statute of limitations
Kevin Tripp 2 Beyond statute of limitations
Raymond Robillard 2 Beyond statute of limitations
David Landry 1 Beyond statute of limitations
Joseph McGuire 1 No case made
Edward Rausch 1 Beyond statute of limitations
Robert Kaszynski 4 Beyond statute of limitations
Albert Berube 1 Deceased
Edward Paquette 4 Beyond statute of limitations
George Avellar 1 Deceased

* District attorney�s list singles Barney as having vehemently denied the charge. No others were listed by the district attorney as having denied or admitted wrongdoing.

Source: Bristol district attorney�s office

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