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Boston.com Speakers Bureau
The Boston.com Speakers Bureau grew out of the demand for Boston Globe & Boston.com executives to attend industry conferences as panelists and keynote speakers.

Leveraging its unique experience with electronic publishing, interactive marketing, online advertising and strategic partnering, Boston.com offers a unique perspective on the online space.

Listed at right are some of the people available for conferences and seminars. For more information, simply fill out the form below.

  • Steve Taylor, President
  • Lincoln Millstein, V.P./New Media
  • Gina Maniscalco, Director


  • Scott Cohen, Content Manager
  • Rich Farrell, Technology Manager
  • Lauren Oelgeschlager, Advertising Manager
  • Jeff Coakley, Classified Manager
  • Lisa Desisto, Marketing Manager

    Creative genii:

  • Scott Kirsner, Lead Content Developer
  • Faith Davey, Lead Designer
  • Your name:
    Email address:
    Potential dates of engagement:

    Please describe your inquiry below:

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