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William F. Buckley, Jr.

Author, Editor, Lecturer, Host of "Firing Line"


Early schooling in England and France.

Graduated from the Millbrook School in Millbrook, N.Y., 1943

Studied at the University of Mexico, 1943

B.A. with honors in Political Science, Economics and History
Yale University, 1950

Military Experience

Professional Experience

1947-1951: Faculty of Yale University as assistant instructor in Spanish.

1952: Associate editor of the American Mercury (then owned and edited by William Bradford Huie). Resigned in the Summer of 1952 to do freelance writing and lecturing.

1955: Founded National Review

1962: Began weekly syndicated column, "On the Right". Since 1964 it has appeared three times a week, and is now syndicated in approximately 300 newspapers across the country by Universal Press Syndicate.

1965: Ran for Mayor of New York City and received 13.4% of the vote on the Conservative Party ticket.

1966: Began hosting a weekly television show, "Firing Line."

Guests have included: Mortimer Adler, George Bush Jimmy Carter, Bernadette Devlin, James Dickey, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Allen Dulles, Abba Eban, Gerald Ford, J.K. Galbraith, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Barry Goldwater, Germaine Greer, Edward Heath, Henry Kissinger, The Dalai Lama, Norman Mailer, Groucho Marx, James Michener, Malcolm Muggeridge, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, B.F. Skinner, Ian Smith, Margaret Thatch, Dame Rebecca West, Theodore White, Tom Wolfe

1967-68: Lecturer on Municipal Government at the New School for Social Research in New York City.

1969-72: Served as a Presidential appointee to the five member Advisory Commission on Information of the United States Information Agency.

1973: Appointed by the President as a Public Member of the United States Delegation to the 28th General Assembly of the United Nations.


Honorary Degrees

L.H.D.: Seton Hall University, 1966; Niagara University, 1967; Mount St. Mary's College, 1969; University of South Carolina, 1985; Converse college, 1988, University of South Florida, 1992; Adelphi University, 1995.

LL.D.: Saint Peter's College, 1969: Syracuse University, 1969; Ursinus College, 1969; Lehigh University, 1970; Lafayette College, 1972; Saint Anselm's College, 1973; Saint Bonaventure University, 1974; University of Notre Dame, 1978: New York Law School, 1981; Colby College, 1985.

Litt. D.: Saint Vincent College, 1971; Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1973; Alfred University, 1974; College of William & Mary, 1981; William Jewell College, 1982; Albertus Magnus College, 1987; college of St. Thomas, 1987; Bowling Green State University, 1987; Coe College, 1989; Saint John's University (Minnesota), 1989; Grove City College (Pennsylvania), 1991.

D. Sc.O.: Curry College, 1970

Froman Distinguished Professor, Russell Sage College, 1973.



God and Man at Yale, 1951; McCarthy and His Enemies (with L. Brent Bozell), 1954; Up From Liberalism, 1959; Rumbles Left and Right, 1963; The Unmaking of a Mayor, 1966; The Jeweler's Eye, 1968; The Governor Listeth, 1970; Cruising Speed, 1971; Inveighing We Will Go, 1972; Four Reforms, 1973; United Nations Journal, 1974; Execution Eve, 1975; Saving the Queen, 1976; Airborne, 1976; Stained Glass, 1978; A Hymnal: The Controversial Arts, 1978; Who's On First, 1980; Marco Polo, If You Can, 1982; Atlantic High, 1982; Overdrive, 1983; The Story of Henri Tod, 1984; See You Later, Alligator, 1985; The Temptation of Wilfred Malachey, 1985; Right Reason, 1985; High Jinx, 1986; Racing Through Paradise, 1987; Mongoose, R.I.P., 1988; On the Firing Line: The Public Life of Our Public Figures, 1989; Gratitude--Reflections on What We Owe to Our Country, 1990; Tucker's Last Stand, 1991; Windfall, 1992; In Search of Anti-Semitism, 1992; Happy Days Were Here Again, 1993; A Very Private Plot, 1994; The Blackford Oakes Reader, 1995; Brothers No More, 1995.


"Stained Glass" (Produced by the Actors Theatre of Louisville), 1989. Published by Samuel French, Inc.


The Committee and its Critics, 1962;

Odyssey of a Friend, 1970;

American Conservative Thought in the Twentieth Century, 1970;

Keeping the Tablets (with Charles Kesler), 1988.


Racing at Sea, 1969, The Intellectuals: A Conservative Portrait (edited by George B. deHuzar), 1960; What is Conservatism? (edited by Frank S. Meyer), 1964; Dialogues in Americanism, 1964; Violence in the Streets (edited by Shalom Endleman), 1968; The Beatles Book (edited by Edward E. Davies), 1968; Specturm of Catholic Attitudes (edited by Robert Campbell, O.P.), 1969; Great Ideas Today Annual, 1970; Essays on Hayek (edited by Fritz Machlup), 1976.

Mr. Buckley has contributed articles to most American publications, among them; Architectural Digest, Art & Antiques, The Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, Foreign Affairs, Harper's, Life, Look, Motor Boating & Sailing, The New Republic, The New Yorker, The New York Times, New York Magazine, Playboy, Power and Motoryacht, Private Clubs, The Reader's Digest, The Saturday Evening Post, Saturday Review, TV Guide.


Played solo harpsichord with the phoenix (Arizona) Symphony Orchestra, 1989; North Carolina Symphony Orchestra, 1990; Yale Symphony Orchestra, 1990; Stamford (Connecticut) Chamber Orchestra, 1992; Connecticut Grand Opera & Orchestra, 1992; Washington Bach Consort, 1994.

Supplemental References

Who's Who in America; Who's Who in the World; Who's Who in Government; International Who's Who; American Catholic Who's Who; Dictionary of International Biography; The Blue Book; Contemporary Authors; Current Biography; Webster's American Biographies; Quotations from Chairman Bill (compiled by David Franke, Arlington House, 1970); Time Magazine cover story, November 3, 1967; Esquire Magazine, January 1968; Playboy Magazine interview, May 1970, National Observer, November 29, 1975.

Mr. Buckley is a registered Republican.
