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Trouble for bishops

By Michael Paulson, Globe Staff, 4/8/2002

Since 1990, 14 bishops have resigned amid allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct.



1998   Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer (Vienna)
Allegation: Molested seminarians and a priest.

1991   Archbishop Alphonsus L. Penney (St. John�s, Newfoundland)
Allegation: Protecting pedophiles.

2002   2002 Bishop Brendan Comiskey (Ferns)
Allegation: Protecting pedophile.
1992   Bishop Eamonn Casey (Galway)
Allegation: Affair with an American woman and fathered a child by her.

Great Britain
2001   Archbishop John Aloysius Ward (Cardiff, Wales)
Allegation: Protecting pedophiles.
1996   Bishop Roderick Wright (Argyll and the Isles, Scotland)
Allegation: Fathered a child, but left town with another woman, whom he married in 1998.

2002   Archbishop Juliusz Paetz (Poznan)
Allegation: Harassed seminarians.

1995   1995 Bishop Hansjorg Vogel (Basel)
Allegation: Pregnant girlfriend; he married her in 1999.

United States
2002   2002 Bishop Anthony J. O'Connell (Palm Beach, Fla.)
Allegation: Molested a seminarian.
1999   Bishop Patrick Ziemann (Santa Rosa, Calif.)
Allegation: Priest sued him for sexual assault.
1999   Bishop Daniel Ryan (Springfield, Ill.)
Allegation: Alleged sex with male prostitutes and priests.
1998   Bishop Joseph Keith Symons (Palm Beach, Fla.)
Allegation: Molested 5 boys.
1993   Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez (Santa Fe)
Allegation: Sexual relationships with 5 women.
1990   Archbishop Eugene A. Marino (Atlanta)
Allegation: Relationship with female lay minister.



1998   1998 Cardinal Godfried Danneels (Brussells)
Allegation: Held liable, fined for actions of pedophile priest. Ruling overturned on appeal.

2001   Bishop Pierre Pican (Bayeux-Liseux, Normandy)
Allegation: Suspended sentence for not reporting pedophile priest.

Sources: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University; news reports

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