The Boston Globe | Abuse in the Catholic Church


Papers target priest linked to Reardon

By Farah Stockman, Globe Staff, 4/18/2002

Attorneys for the Boston Archdiocese yesterday handed over documents related to the negligence lawsuit that alleges Father Jon C. Martin should have protected 24 boys who were sexually abused by Middleton youth worker Christopher Reardon.

But Jeffrey Newman, a lawyer for 14 victims of Reardon, criticized church attorneys for failing to hand over key documents, including Martin's personnel file and his medical records.

''To me, its ironic at this stage, given Cardinal Law's repeated statements that he would not force litigation, that even the most basic responses have not been forthcoming,'' Newman said.

A deposition of Martin, who supervised Reardon, was scheduled for last Tuesday. Newman said the church failed to produce the priest, who resigned his post at St. Agnes Church after Reardon's arrest amid allegations that Martin himself had engaged in inappropriate relations with prison inmates.

Wilson D. Rogers III, an attorney for the archdiocese, declined comment yesterday.

Timothy O'Neill, appointed to represent Martin, said he was complying with all of the judge's rulings. O'Neill said a new date was set for the deposition.


This story ran on page A14 of the Boston Globe on 4/18/2002.
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