The Boston Globe | Abuse in the Catholic Church


Globe to write book on church sex scandal for Little, Brown

By Globe Staff, 4/3/2002

The Boston Globe and Little, Brown & Co. have entered into an agreement to produce a book on the sexual abuse scandal that has roiled the Roman Catholic Church.

Little, Brown said it will publish the book in hardcover on an accelerated schedule in mid-June. The book will be written by the Globe's Spotlight Team, projects staff, and religion reporter, drawing on new interviews, records, and analysis, as well as on some of the nearly 200 stories the newspaper has published about the scandal since January.

Any royalties from the book received by the Globe that exceed the costs of writing it will be donated to a charity or charities to be determined, Publisher Richard H. Gilman said.

Since Jan. 6 and 7, when the Spotlight Team first disclosed in a two-part series the extent to which Cardinal Bernard F. Law and the other bishops of Boston knew about former priest John J. Geoghan's sexually abusive behavior and yet continued to allow him access to children, the scandal has spread across the nation and the world, causing a crisis for the country's largest religious denomination.

In diocese after diocese, bishops have been forced to admit that priests who had molested children were still working. Dozens of priests have since been ousted and hundreds of names turned over to prosecutors. Furthermore, the revelations have ignited an unprecedented debate over some of the most fundamental practices of a faith with more than 1 billion adherents worldwide.

''Not only did The Globe break the story of sexual abuse by priests and the cover-up perpetrated by the Catholic Church, it has become the definitive authority on the subject,'' said Michael Pietsch, senior vice president and publisher of Little, Brown. ''Little, Brown is proud to publish what is sure to be a groundbreaking and urgently needed look at this crisis.''

Founded in 1837, Little, Brown was for years headquartered in Boston inside Beacon Hill brownstones on Beacon Street and Mount Vernon Street. It is now based in New York, but still maintains some operations, including copy editing, in Boston. Little, Brown is a division of the AOL Time Warner Book Group.

Globe deputy managing editor for projects Ben Bradlee Jr., who has overseen the coverage of the scandal, said the primary contributors to the book will be the Spotlight Team, consisting of Editor Walter V. Robinson and reporters Michael Rezendes, Sacha Pfeiffer, and Matt Carroll, projects reporters Thomas Farragher, Stephen Kurkjian, and Kevin Cullen, and religion writer Michael Paulson.

''We're delighted to be associated with a quality house like Little, Brown in producing a book that we hope will perform a public service and make a significant contribution to the chronicling and understanding of one of the most important religious stories in years,'' Bradlee said.

This story ran on page D5 of the Boston Globe on 4/3/2002.
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