The Boston Globe | Abuse in the Catholic Church


Herald calls for Law to step down

By Globe Staff, 3/14/2002

The Boston Herald yesterday called for Cardinal Bernard F. Law's resignation, stating that he has lost his moral authority because of his handling of the clergy sexual abuse scandal.

''Cardinal Law on several occasions has expressed sorrow and apologies for his handling of the affair and his tragic misjudgments,'' the newspaper said in an editorial. ''It is proper that he should do so, but sorrow does not make up for the sad fact that he has lost the trust of too many in his flock - some of them forever.''

The Herald rejected Law's argument that he should be allowed to continue to serve to correct problems of abuse that occurred during his tenure.

''Every cleanup of a tarnished institution - a company, a government agency, a trade association, a charity - demands new leadership whose credibility is not in doubt,'' the Herald said.

''We're respectful of the many opinions in the community during this difficult time, and we are listening,'' said Law's spokeswoman, Donna M. Morrissey, referring to the editorial.

''Cardinal Law is focusing on reforming the policies of this archdiocese to ensure the protection of children, and at the same time the cardinal is committed to furthering the healing of victims and their families and to supporting the many fine priests, deacons and men and women in consecrated life who are fulfilling the mission of the church each day,'' she said.

This story ran on page A19 of the Boston Globe on 3/14/2002.
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