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A tumultuous 2002 in the Boston Archdiocese

Compiled by Kathleen Hennrikus and James Bennett, Globe Staff

  J A N U A R Y
6   Globe story, focusing on John Geoghan, details shuffling of sexually abusive priests to parishes around the archdiocese. | Story |

9   Law apologizes for Geoghan, announces zero-tolerance policy. | Story |
17   Attorney general says church policy should cover past, not just future abuse.
23   Saying Boston should "become a model" for dealing with clergy sexual abuse, Law refuses to resign. | Story |
31   Records reveal church has settled claims against at least 70 priests. | Story |

  F E B R U A R Y
1   Prosecutors say church documents aren't detailed enough to begin criminal investigations into abuse allegations. | Story |

21   John Geoghan is sentenced to 9 to 10 years in state prison for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy. | Story |

  M A R C H
9   Nearly 3,000 Catholic lay leaders meet with Law to urge reforms. | Story |

28   Garry Garland is arrested after an attempt to confront Monsignor Frederick J. Ryan, who he says molested him. | Story |

  A P R I L
8   Documents show archdiocese officials transferred Paul R. Shanley in 1990 with written assurances of no past problems. | Story |

12   Law meets secretly with the Pope in Rome to discuss his possible resignation. | Story |
24   From Rome, American Catholic Church leaders issue new procedures for dealing with allegations of sexual abuse. | Story |
24   Monsignor Ryan resigns.
25   Law says that lay people must accept Catholic Church hierarchy. | Story |

  M A Y
1   Lay leaders form "Voice of the Faithful," a group of volunteers who can raise funds independent of the church. | Story |

2   Shanley is arrested on three counts of child rape. | Story |
3   Citing "financial peril," the archdiocese backs out of a deal for $15 million to $30 million in settlement money for 86 Geoghan victims. | Story |
8   In a sworn deposition, Law says he can't recall details of his 1984 decision to transfer Geoghan despite molestation charges. | Story |

  J U N E
4   Records show archdiocese leaders allowed troubled priests to remain in active ministry. | Story |

14   In Dallas, bishops vote to bar abusive priests from ministry, but not to automatically defrock them. | Story |
22   Law refuses donations from Voice of the Faithful, saying the funds undermine the Cardinal's Appeal.
23   The archdiocese's social service agency says it will not turn down donations from Voice of the Faithful.

  A U G U S T
1   Advisers say bankruptcy is a "worst-case scenario," but it would allow the archdiocese to keep operating if the more than 400 claims of sexual abuse result in large judgements. | Story |

  S E P T E M B E R
18   Archdiocese officials agree to a $10 million settlement with 86 plaintiffs in sexual abuse lawsuits against Geoghan. | Story |

  O C T O B E R
7   The board appointed by Law to recommend ways to protect children from abuse calls for the creation of a registry of abusers, which could be checked by employers or other organizations. | Story |

15   Voice of the Faithful donates $56,000, with the proviso that it be spent only on local ministries and not on Law's administration. | Story |
30   Vatican agrees to a sexual abuse prevention policy that it says will protect children and priests' rights. | Story |

  N O V E M B E R
3   During a Mass, Law begs the forgiveness of the victims of clergy sexual abuse. | Story |

22   The archdiocese files a motion to block the release of records on 65 accused priests. | Story |
25   Judge denies motion, releases records. | Story |

  D E C E M B E R
3   Documents show several priests were transferred after sexual abuse allegations were uncovered. | Story |

6   A state grand jury subpoenas Law as part of an investigation into possible criminal violations in connection with the scandal.
7   Law flies to Rome to discuss the scandal, his possible resignation, and the Boston archdiocese's bankruptcy with the pope. | Story |
13   Pope accepts Law's resignation. In a a written statement, Law apologizes and begs forgiveness from "all those who have suffered from [his] shortcomings and mistakes." | Story |

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