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Many Thanks to Our Donors!

Arts/Boston helps keep the arts accessible by offering affordable admissions and providing much-needed revenue for Greater Boston's arts community. We are supported in part by the small service charge on each ticket we sell. Since opening in 1975, Arts/Boston has brought over 2.3 million people to the arts and has generated nearly $28 million in ticket revenues for local arts groups

Thanks to the generous support of the following donors, Arts/Boston is able to maintain and expand our audience development programs. 

Government, Corporate and
Foundation Support

Bell Atlantic
Boston Cultural Council
Boston Phoenix
The Gillette Company
Greater Boston Convention and Visitor's Bureau
John Hancock
Massachusetts Cultural Council
The Morton Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
The Shubert Foundation

Capital Campaign Marquee Sponsors
The Boston Phoenix 
The Gillette Company

Gifts In-Kind
Bingham Dana LLP
The Boston Globe 
Cipriani Kremer Design
Howie Green Design 
Massachusetts Turnpike Authority for Boston
WHERE Magazine

If you would like more information about how to become a donor or sponsor for Arts Boston, we'd love to hear from you. Please take a minute to fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly to discuss the variety of opportunities that are available.

First name

Last name

Organization or Company
(leave blank if not applicable)

Street address

City, State, Zip

Daytime Phone
(with area code)

Evening Phone
(with area code)

E-mail address


Sales Figures FY98

Seats Filled Reimbursement to Arts Communtiy

BosTix 88,046 $2.3 million
Arts/Mail 52,859 $980,343
Tomorrow's Audiences 1,000 $8,000
TOTAL 141,905 $3.3 million

To learn more about Arts/Boston or to comment on any of our services, call or write us at: 

100 Boylston Street, Suite 735
Boston,   MA 02116
Tel:  617-423-4454
Fax:  617-423-2131

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